With the barn renovations coming along there's lots of discussions flying around about how to furnish and decorate the our barn - Le Grange. As a thirty-something man I'm pretty useless at deciding on colours, soft furnishings and the like so I very much keep quiet when its time for another interior design conflab!
Instead, my contribution to the barn will be more of a technical one and much more my kind of thing. At the moment I'm working on a bespoke music system for the living area based on my previous briefcase boomboxes.

This one will use an old 60's Samsonite suitcase and some old Wharfdale Glendale speakers I've acquired to provide a bluetooth sound system with a bit of vintage style.
Ultimately I hope to find some time to make four smaller speakers from briefcases and put one in each bedroom - each one different to the others. This will take some time though so for now I'm concentrating on just the one.

The other ideas I have are top secret and will need a bit more thought but let's just say its simple up-cycling at its best! I'll post more here as things pan out.