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Writer's pictureMarcus

The giddy heights of fame!

Just when you think that you can’t get any more excitement than being on a national TV show (did we mention that we’ll be on Channel 4’s A New Life in the Sun on Monday 16 January at 3pm?!), we only go and get our story featured in not one but two Coventry newspapers!

Yep ‘Tours du Tarn’ featured in both the Coventry Telegraph and Coventry Observer this week, with embarrassing pictures and quotes to boot - now we know we’ve really made it!

It’s quite odd seeing your story in print in the local paper that was once so much part of everyday life, but hopefully it was nice for family, friends and ex-colleagues to catch a glimpse of some familiar faces and have a good laugh at us.

We had a pretty good laugh at ourselves when we caught the trailer to Monday’s episode of A New Life in the Sun – you can see our reaction here on YouTube. Based on this I think we can safely say we’ll be hiding behind the sofa when it airs next week!

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