It's always interesting to meet our guests, particularly as despite sharing a mutual affinity with cycling, no two guests are ever the same, each arrives with a completely different background to the next and each one has their very own cycling history to tell. It's always lovely to find out more about the people that book with us and our summer cycling guests were just such a group. All had been friends for many, many years, had come from vastly different backgrounds, led very different lives, but all of them shared a passion for cycling! As such we had the privilege of hosting them for one week in July for sunny days cycling the best of the Tarn et Garonne's roads, lunching in countryside restaurants, followed by afternoons of swimming in the pool and evenings chatting with great friends over dinner, all washed down with a slurp of Gaillac wine! Such a positive, fun and easy week for us as hosts and we really do hope to welcome Ali, John, Sally, Murray and Pat here again one day soon. Santé!

And if you'd like to know what this group had to say about their week spent at Tours du Tarn then take a look at our Facebook reviews